Tag Archives: i hate knitting sleeves!

Agatha v 2.0

6 Dec

Wow.  According to my Ravelry notes I started this cardigan on the 18th August. That means it’s only taken me just over 2.5 months to finish this thing. I know people can knit things a lot quicker but we all know how I have several WIPs (some people like to call these UFOs but they’re definitely WIPs 😉 )

So considering in that time I’ve knitted 2 christmas gifts along with 1 sleeve from another WIP and I BLOODY HATE KNITTING SECOND SLEEVES I’m pretty darn pleased with it.



(Pahaha, this looks like a school photo!)

I just powered on through that second sleeve. I finished the first and thought to myself if I don’t cast on the second sleeve now it’ll sit for 6 months like the last one. So I bloomin’ did it. I cast on that second sleeve and knitted the cap. Then I just kept going. I remember actually sitting there moaning and cursing about the sleeve as I was knitting it and almost crying when I measured it against the other and still had another inch to go. Oh the woes of a modern life.

The wool is Drops Karisma and it’s lovely and soft. It’s a tiny bit thin for the Agatha so I had to fiddle about with needles and tension a bit to get the size right. It still knitted up a teeny bit small but I blocked the shit out of it (using my regular carpet method) and I think we’re good to go.



I don’t have much else to say about it really. Knitting it the second time was much easier although I’m struggling to find things to pair it with due to the colour so it’s not getting as much wear as I’d like.

Anyway, I’ve finished knitting Hetty! I’ve got to find some buttons for it, which is proving tricky, but then it’ll be up!

Process or Result?

22 Aug

Are you a process or a result sewer/knitter?

I am most definitely a process knitter. I had believed I was all along but today really confirmed it.

Let’s start with my Agatha cardigan. Looking back on my Ravelry notes I started this in September of last year. I remember finishing a sleeve around January time but when did I actually finish the cardigan?


I loved knitting my cardigan, it was really fun getting to grips with all the new techniques, this being the first garment I’d ever knitted, (you just don’t see cables and lacework in stuffed toys!) and although there were times when I wanted to burn the thing and then drop kick it into oblivion I can genuinely say that overall it was good fun.

But I’d already done one sleeve. The left sleeve has to look the same as the already-knitted right sleeve and where’s the fun in that?! So it sat and sat until holiday time came and the only thing I took with me was this cardigan. 2.5 hour plane journey there and back plus a delayed flight meant the only thing I had to do was knit this sleeve. Plus, after 6 months I’d kind of forgotten how to do it so it was almost fun again!

Back to today. I don’t know if you’re aware, or if you are aware but pretending you’re not, or if you just live under an anti-seasonal rock but it’s 4 months people. 4 months and Christmas will upon us. I for one do not want to be empty-handed when it comes to gift giving so I’ve been making plans already. (Actually I completed my first project in April. I’m a regular Christmas elf, so shoot me.) Today was wool-buying day for said projects which is always fun. I got this amazing yarn which self fair-isles!! (Yes, I believe this is the technical term.) So when I got home from the wool shop what did I do? Cast on a new project, of course.

New wool also requires a sort out of my wool area. I ‘d like to say wool shelves, or wool cupboard but realistically it just takes over an area, which is usually the size of my house….

Whilst doing so this is what I found:


That’s 6 WIPs,  SIX!!

Not forgetting the project I cast on today (7), my Christmas gift projects takes us up to 10 plus I’ve been asked to do a very weird project indeed for my SIL which makes 11. That’s not even counting the sewing WIPs which is almost as bad. (Think there’s 3 or 4 of those)

The cream thing at the top right is also missing a sleeve, but that’s it, so I’m determined to get that finished over the weekend. That’ll be one down, bam! Next up will be one of the Christmas projects. I know, I know, WIPs need doing but it’ll be quick, I promise. Then that pink thing, maybe a sewing project or two. Just you wait, this blog will be filled with all kinds of knitty goodness! Starting with my Agatha, which just needs photographing 😀

chinelo bally

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