Tag Archives: memademay14

Me-Made-May weeks 3 & 4

1 Jun

It’s been tough the last couple of weeks. I just came back from holiday and in my endeavour to wear ALL of my clothes on holiday I wore barely any the week before. Me-made that is, I still wore clothes.

Plus, taking pictures of myself is getting SUPER BORING. I figured for the week I was on holiday I’d have loads of pictures of myself but turns out the weather was pretty pants so I lived in my rain mac all week.


Sunday 18/5/14


Dress: Green Cambie (unblogged)

I swear, I do actually enjoy knitting.


Wednesday 21/5/14


Dress: Stripey Knit Dress

Belt: Primark


Thursday 22/5/14


Top: Primark

Skirt: Denim Kelly (unblogged)


Sunday 25/5/14


Jacket: New Look

Dress: Green Cambie

Belt: Primark

Monday 26/5/14


Dress: Coral Simplicity 1803 (unblogged)

You may be wondering what on Earth I’m doing.

Well this was the first day of holiday- we went to Great Yarmouth and on the way there stopped off in Norwich for a bit of sight-seeing.

We found a yarn fair!!!!



There was pretty much every type of wool from sheep, to Alpaca to pony, camel and even dog hair wool!IMG_7342


The best part was I got to have a go at spinning my own yarn!


(Don’t worry- she did actually have a head but I didn’t tell her I was going to put a picture of her on my blog so I rubbed it out 😉 )

So the first picture was me demonstrating my yarn- which was quite terribly spun and had thick and thin parts. But I’m still dead proud!

Tuesday 27/5/14


Dress: Polka Dot Skater (unblogged)

Belt: Primark


Wednesday 28/5/14


Difficult to see but it’s pretty much the same combo as Thursday 22nd

Skirt: Denim Kelly

Top: Primark

Cardigan: Primark

Shoes: Wellington Bowl

Thursday 29/5/14


The milkshakes in Great Yarmouth are absolutely bloody amazing. This one is chocolate hobnob flavour. Probably the worst one but look how epic it still is.

Dress: Aurora Dress

Cardigan: Primark

Belt: Primark

Friday 30/5/14


Best day ever!

Dress: Saltspring (unblogged)

Cardigan: Primark

We went to Banham Zoo which is absolutely fantastic. I got to feed some goats and they went a bit cray



Me-Made-May has been harder than I thought!

Wearing me-made clothes is not the challenge. The main challenge was taking photographs of myself every day. The other thing is trying not to repeat clothing too much- it’s pretty boring for you guys to look at the same photos for a month.

However, it’s taught me a lot about gaps in my wardrobe and the way I dress. I definitely need to make more tops, I knew this already but I don’t even own many tops so I wear the same ones constantly. I also need to make more in the way of accessories- knitted belts could add texture too but I don’t think it would be too hard to make some leather ones either.

I also need more cardigans (I’m always working on that one!) and since I pretty much lived in my mac for the week I’ve decided to have a go at Sewaholic’s Robson at some point.


I’m glad I took part because I have much clearer sewing goals now but I’m also glad to be done with photographing myself!

Did you succeed in your MMM14 challenge?

Me-Made-May week 2

17 May

It’s definitely getting harder now. I want to wear my polka dot dress all the time and if I wasn’t doing MMM I definitely would. This is good though because it’s pushing me to pull out things I wouldn’t usually wear.

I did fail a little on photos this week- I forgot to take 3 of them!


Saturday 10/5/14: Aurora Dress

We went to see Jimmy Carr that night and I thought it would be so awesome to get a photo of me in my handmade clothing with Jimmy to post on the blog. Unfortunately it was quite late and he announced he wasn’t going to do any photos 😦


Monday 12/5/14

Kind of difficult to see what I’m actually wearing!

Cardigan: Peacocks

Shirt: New Look

Skirt: The ‘failed’ pencil skirt

Actually, I’m glad I wore this. I’ve lost a little bit of weight, all of which has come off my bum and hips and I think it’s helped me like this skirt more. Now I’m on the lookout for a nice black textured fabric to make a black version!

Tuesday 13/5/14:

Dress: Minnie Mouse Dress

Cardigan: Probably Primark, could be New Look. I have more black cardigans than a normal person should! (And yet I can never find one to wear!!)

Belt: Came with a dress. I think it was possibly a Tesco one.

Wednesday 14/5/14:

Er, sorry for the lollipop and the mess! We had a sweet buffet at our wedding and we’re still making our way through the lollipops!

Cardigan: Primark

Belt: Probably also Primark

Dress: Rushed Rat

Thursday 15/5/14

I forgot to take a photo… Again I wore the Aurora Dress.  I know I just talked about not wearing the same thing twice…. The way I see it, I didn’t see anybody I know on Saturday so why not wear it again on a Thursday?! I did change it up though and also wore my Agatha with it.

Friday 16/5/14

Another non-photo day! I wore my Simple Daisy dress, provisionally with my Hiro cardigan but the weather has been Be-A-utiful so it was off for most of the day and now I’ve left it at work 😦

Saturday 17/5/14 Today!

Cardigan: Miette (unblogged)

Dress: Saltspring (still unblogged!)

I know I wore this dress last week but 2 things. 1- it is HOT and I really need to create some more summery outfits. 2. I wore a different cardigan and honestly I think this looks like a completely different outfit compared to last week’s version:


Not a bad week but I really need to get my butt into gear and finish some things I’ve started otherwise we’re going to be on repeat for the rest of the month!

How have you found week 2?

Me-Made-May week 1.5

9 May

I didn’t die!!!

I’m so, so, so sorry that I didn’t post my Hollywood Sewalong reveal post on Monday- I honestly thought the reaper was coming for me and I’m pretty sure you guys wouldn’t want to see photos of me with tissue bunged up my nose and snot dripping down my face



A post is on its way, pending decent weather, but for now here’s MMM week 1.5

Thursday 1/5/14

Looking very snooty here…

Cardigan: Peacocks

Dress: Astoria Dress


Friday 2/5/14

Head’s chopped off but that’s a good thing- the illness starts here.

Jumper: Chuck (not blogged about yet)

Dress: My original Best Dress Ever


Saturday 3/5/14

Top: Asda!

Skirt: Miette Take 2

On Sunday I pretty much wallowed in my own pit of misery. Monday wasn’t much better but I did manage to do some sewing which you’ll get a glimpse of in the next two pictures!

Wednesday 7/5/14

Cardigan: Agatha v2.0

Dress: New! Not blogged about yet.

Belt: Primark


Thursday 8/5/14

(Please ignore the washing that needs putting away. I’m trying to.)

Dress: New! Also needs blogging about

Blazer: New Look from yolks ago

Scarf: Next


Friday 9/5/14

Cardigan: Primark

Dress: Simple Daisy Dress


Overall, not as successful as I was perhaps hoping- my plans were mostly thwarted by germs. But every day that I actually wore clothes I managed to wear me-made so that’s something!

I think what’s apparent here is that the photos are terrible! I need to find an indoor photo space somewhere instead of standing on the bed (which is probably how it broke, whoops!)

I also definitely need to make a blazer- no more New Look for me!

How’s your Me-Made-May going?

chinelo bally

Dressmaker| Author| Blogger| Freehand cutter

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A blog about sewing, knitting and whatever else comes to mind